Maintenance, formally known as alimony, is the payment of monies from one spouse to the other spouse in order to provide support to the spouse who is not capable of supporting himself or herself in a manner commensurate with the lifestyle enjoyed during the marriage. In order to provide some consistency amongst Illinois courts in this, Section 504 of the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act has set forth a formula in which to calculate maintenance, however, a court’s application of the formula is not obligatory.

*These calculations are for informational purposes only.

Please enter your data below in the calculator.

Monthly Maintenance Obligation:

Annual Maintenance:

Maintenance Cannot Exceed Annually (MAX):

If Annual Maintenance Exceeds MAX, then Month Maintenance is:

For Purposes of Child Support

If annual maintenance does NOT exceed MAX, then gross income for Child Support is:

If annual maintenance DOES exceed MAX, then gross income for Child Support is: